Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Gardening Jobs

Now that it's 2013 and we've all hopefully had great New Year's celebrations and wonderful Christmas too, it is time to get back into the swing of things and prepare the garden for the coming Spring.

Clean Up Your Greenhouse 


This is definitely the best time to clean your greenhouse out ready for when you begin growing in there. The same goes for cold frames or mini growhouses too. The easiest way is to wipe the glass down with some warm soapy water and then squeegee it off and it should be clear.

Doing this will mean that you will be prepared and the job will be done ready for you concentrate on sorting out your plants to be grown.

The Compost Bin


If you don't have a compost bin, then you should set one up now, there are many available from simple wooden slot together composters to the more durable plastic composters, you could even build your own if you wanted to. It's a great place to put all the waste from the garden which will be created throughout the year like for example weeds and grass cuttings.

Feed The Birds!


If you are a bird lover, then you will want to put out some bird feed for them, as food is scarce at this time of the year, so put out some fat balls for the birds to graze on during this hard time for them to get some much needed nutrients.

Plan For The Year Ahead


If you start planning now, you will make it easier on yourself for the rest of the year as you will know what to do and when, there's no better time than new year to do this as it's like a fresh start for you. Planning will also mean you are more likely to carry things out as you will have a routine and will be more likely to stick at it, it's also a good reminder if you do forget soemthing.

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